TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ahem....if I may interject a semi-epic rant
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Subject ahem....if I may interject a semi-epic rant
Posted by LJZTT on April 03, 2020 at 5:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 321 times.
In Reply To I'm sure you love more han boost cupcake but posted by DAYTONAZ on April 03, 2020 at 12:08 PM
Message west nile virus
ebola virus
rift valley fever virus
marburg virus
crimean-congo hemmoragic fever

oh and those are just some of the ones that were contained and studied at a canadian laboratory which chinese scientists were caught shipping samples to laboratories in china.
And any scientific research of that nature going on in china is absolutely under direct government control, you can literally assume any Bio Safety Level-4 lab (of which there is only ONE in China that is known...and and it just so happens to be located in the SAME CITY as the origin of the outbreak, what a coincidence!) will be associated with the chinese government's bio-weapon program in one capacity or another. Spare me the Pollyannish BS that only the USA engages in bio-weapons research, EVERYONE with the capacity to do so, does so. Grow up.

To his credit, President Obama placed a moratorium on "gain-of-function" research in 2014....specifically citing SARS, MERS (gee how amazing! this Wuhan Virus, or whatever the CCP wants you to call it, is exactly that...a much more contagious near-clone of SARS/MERS), and influenza viruses. This isn't hard to figure out people SMFH.

At best, this is yet another example of sloppy chinese workplace practices in an extremely dangerous facility resulting in a 21st century Chernobyl, that frankly makes Chernobyl look like spilled milk.
But that's crazy right?? because the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology didn't send out a directive in February mandating more stringent handling of viruses and bio-agents while in the same directive allude to "slack oversight and management rampant at some facilities"

....Ever worked in federal government? I have. 16 years Dept of Defense, mostly USAF, but also at the "CoCom" level as well as at NATO. These types of "directives" are disseminated for a very specific reason: because somebody somewhere fucked up big time or their useless directors and managers permitted practices and procedures that everyone knew were fucked up for a long time and now they finally came back to bite them. ABSOLUTELY CLASSIC POSTER-CHILD GOVERNMENT C.Y.A....but no no, just another coincidence right?

At worst this is a deliberate release intended not to kill adversaries, but to destabilize western governments and eliminate the single biggest threat to China-centric globalization since Imperial Japan...Donald Trump. Hate him all you want for whatever reason you want, he is 100% correct in his political attitude towards China.

So yeah, stupid to call it a plague, absolutely NOT racist or in anyway improper to name it according to most-likely, known, or just-plain-fucking-obvious origin.
And with any luck my near complete mechanical overhaul of my Z will be done and back on the road in the next 30 thanks to the shitstorm this "crisis" has caused and the absolutely irrational panic that has made it immeasureably worse and will needlessly wreck countless lives.

As for Mr. "I'm so offended"...fuck off, no one gives a shit. We are all offended by something or another, but only you snowflake dipshit types succumb to the apparent absolutely irresistible compulsion to make sure everyone knows about YOUR sensibilities being slighted, and they should adjust their self to suit you. Seriously, fuck off. Adults are talking. Go sing a fucking song or something.

Oh we just want to talk about cars?
Ok, what will be the tipping point when you have to sell your Z to make ends meet? If this goes on for another month, a year? (I hope people realize that historically speaking, the past 2 SARS/MERS outbreaks lasted between 4 and 9 months, and they weren't nearly as contagious as this one.)
Would you do it?
Would it even sell?
Will there be much of a market for complicated, often-neglected, almost-always-a-PITA-to-work-on 30 year old mass-produced japanese sportscars?
Any market for your Z at all at that point?
How's Zcon looking this year?

How's that for Z-related?


30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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